GDF 51

GDF 51 5 Rounds: 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Shoulder to Overhead *Every minute, 5 Burpees Over Bar Scale weight accordingly. This workout isn’t meant to take all day. If scaling to available dumbbells, do burpees over one of the dumbbells. ← Previous...

GDF 50

GDF 50 10 Rounds: 100ft Single Arm Farmer Carry 15 Goblet Squats 20 Situps Use the heaviest dumbbell or kettlebell you have. The same one can be used for the goblet squat, but scale as needed. The squats should be unbroken. ← Previous Next → Receive WODs...

GDF 49

GDF 49 5 Man Makers 100 Double Unders 10 Wall Walks 10 Man Makers 100 Double Unders 10 Wall Walks 15 Man Makers 100 Double Unders 10 Wall Walks -See Details For Man Maker- The Man Maker: 2 Dumbbells- Pushup R Arm Row L Arm Row Pushup/Burpee to Stand Deadlift Hang...

GDF 48

GDF 48 Five 3 1/2-Minute Rounds: 25 Calorie Row With the remaining time, as many strict pullups as possible The intent here is to row HARD, and maximize the time you are doing pullups. If no rower is available, replace with 12 burpees as fast as possible. Scale strict...

GDF 47

GDF 47 5 Rounds: 15 Weighted Box Steps Ups 12 Strict Press 9 Toes to Bar This should be fairly fast rounds. Use a single dumbbell for the weighted step ups, count total steps (not per leg). Choose a strict press weight (barbell or 2 dumbbells) that you can do in 1 or...