by garagedadfitness | Jul 29, 2020 | GDF
GDF 233 100 Weighted Box StepoversEvery Minute (Including 0:00), 5 Burpees ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into your inbox Success! Name Email Sign Up Venice Beach, CA...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 28, 2020 | GDF
GDF 232 5 Rounds:20 Calorie Max Effort Bike15 Close Grip Pushups1 Max Unbroken Set Kettlebell Swings30 Seconds RestReally try to push the total reps each time. If no bike is available, replace with a 100m Max Effort Sprint ← Previous Next → Receive WODs...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 26, 2020 | GDF
GDF 231 5 Rounds12 Clean and Jerks12 Pullups12 Front Squats36 Situps-Use same bar for all movements-Can be scaled to dumbbells or kettlebells, pullups can be scaled however needed. ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into your inbox Success! Name Email...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 24, 2020 | GDF
GDF 230 50 Kettlebell Swings50 Kettlebell Deadlifts50 Single Kettlebell Thrusters800m Run30 KBS30 KBD30 KBT600m Run10 KBS10 KBD10 KBT400m Run-Ideally, use the same kettlebell the whole time. If you only have a very light bell, you can either do additional reps, or use...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 20, 2020 | GDF
GDF 229 10 Rounds:12 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (alternating arms)60ft Bear Crawl (or 30ft Handstand Walk)Go as heavy as you can on the dumbbell snatch, though should be able to maintain 1-2 sets to finish the reps. ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 17, 2020 | GDF
GDF 228 20 Minutes:5 Strict Pullups10 Hand Release Pushups15 Jumping Squats20 Situps ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into your inbox Success! Name Email Sign Up Venice Beach, CA...