by garagedadfitness | Jul 16, 2020 | GDF
GDF 227 Three 8-Minute Rounds:40 Kettlebell Swings40 Goblet Squats40 Russian Twists (with KB or a Med Ball)200m Sprint-This should leave enough rest for a full recovery. You can use a lighter kettlebell or med ball for the twists, but try to use the same one foe the...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 14, 2020 | GDF
GDF 226 5 Rounds:10 Burpee Box Jump Overs16 Hang Power Clean200m Odd Object Run ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into your inbox Success! Name Email Sign Up Venice Beach, CA...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 13, 2020 | GDF
GDF 225 Every Minute For 40 Minutes:A) 14 Calorie BikeB) 16 Calorie Row-Alternating between the two-The calories can be adjusted, and movements can be subbed for other sub-1 minute options-a 100-200 meter run, burpees, etc. You should be able to complete the work in...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 9, 2020 | GDF
GDF 224 5 Rounds:24 Calorie Row12 Push Press12 Hang Power Cleans-Use any equipment you’d like. It should be a challenging weight, but manageable in 1-2 sets ideally for each movement. Replace the row with a 300m Run ← Previous Next → Receive WODs...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 7, 2020 | GDF
GDF 223 18 Minutes:20 Wall Balls100m Farmer Carry15 Box Jumps50m Bear Crawl ← Previous Next → Receive WODs directly into your inbox Success! Name Email Sign Up Venice Beach, CA...
by garagedadfitness | Jul 3, 2020 | GDF
GDF 222 15 Minutes:10 Deficit Pushups (do ring pushups, use dumbbells/kettlebells/parallettes)8 Double Kettlebell/Dumbbell Deadlifts30 Double Unders-Go as heavy as you can with the kettlebells/dumbbells. If nothing heavy is available, use a barbell, and a weight that...