GDF 31

by Feb 20, 2019GDF

200 Calorie Row
-Every 3 Minutes, perform:
Burpee/Goblet Squat Ladder
(2/2 in Minute 0, 4/4 in Minute 3, 6/6 in Minute 6…etc)
-Until 200 Calories completed, or round missed

The burpee and goblet squats start at minute 0, and every 3 minutes, complete the next set in the ladder. The sets continue to go up by 2’s until you either complete the 200 calories on the rower (can also use a bike or skierg), or you time out-not finishing your burpee/squat set within the set time domain.

This will be a real doozy. Find a hard, uncomfortable pace on the rower. If you go out too hard, the burpees and squats will be too hard. If you pace too much, you’ll time out. 

Scale any part as needed. Use a kettlebell or dumbbell weight that allows unbroken reps as long as possible.


Venice Beach, CA